Last updated on 2023-04-21 | Edit this page
Proposed Episode on Database Design
Q & A on Database Design (review if time)
- Order doesn’t matter
- Every row-column combination contains a single atomic value, i.e., not containing parts we might want to work with separately.
- One field per type of information
- No redundant information
- Split into separate tables with one table per class of information
- Needs an identifier in common between tables – shared column - to reconnect (foreign key).
Naming conventions are important because: * Names are used more than once * Names are not usually subject to change (for example, spelling errors)
Names should uniquely identify what the data is representing
Names should be descriptive and familiar
Names should adhere to certain standards: (General Tips) * Names should not contain spaces (for example, nameofdata) * Names should not start with numbers, rather add numbers at the end of the name (for example, name$ * Names should be full words, not abbreviations (for example, doctor) * Underscores can separate words (for example, name_of_data) * Data types are not names (for example, integer_data instead of integer) * Names are often in lowercase (for example, name) * DO NOT use quotes when naming a table or field
Other database management systems
Access or Filemaker Pro
- Forms w/QAQC
- But not cross-platform
- Multiple simultaneous users
- More difficult to setup and maintain
Microsoft SQL Server (SQL Server)
- Multiple simultaneous users
- Easy to use
- Most complex part is development and troubleshooting
MongoDB (for Big Data needs)
- Easy to scale
- Performance is good since it is equipped to work with big data